The role of PARENT may be the greatest role we ever embrace-- most important from the influence we have, the power we wield, the duration and depth of impact.
Here are some resources to guide you on this heart-filling, heart-wrenching, life-redefining journey of parenthood.
Overriding Principle: The #1 predictor of how well your child will do in life (i.e. school performance, job performance, emotional health, relational health, physical health) is how you, the parent, live and how you make sense of your past.
"How you live" means "Are you the adult you want your child to grow to be?" If we want our children to love and accept who they are, our job as parents is to love and accept who we are.
"How you live" favorite resources:
Brené Brown
TED Talks: The Power of Vulnerability -- 20 minute video
TED Talks: Listening to Shame -- 20 minute video
"The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto" -- one page document
Daring Greatly -- book, final chapter is on parenting
The Gifts of Imperfection -- book
I Thought It Was Just Me -- book
"How you make sense of your past" means your experiences when you were a child shaped your brain, how you relate to people, and how you parent. By understanding your own childhood you can raise compassionate and resilient children.
"How you make sense of your past" favorite resources:
Dr. Daniel Siegel
Parenting from the Inside Out: How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You
Raise Children Who Thrive -- book
The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's
Developing Mind -- book
Most Impactful Skill: Mindfulness
Michelle Wright
"The Practice of Mindfulness: Learning to Focus, Notice and Allow in a Distracting, Judgmental World"
-- two page article
Jon Oliver
"Self-Control Time" chapter within the book Lesson One: The ABCs of Life:
The Skills We All Need But Were Never Taught
Susan Kaiser Greenland
The Mindful Child: How to Help Your Kid Manage Stress and Become Happier
Kinder, and More Compassionate -- book
Thich Nhat Hanh
Planting Seeds: Practicing Mindfulness with Children -- book
Carla Naumburg
"Mindful Parenting" -- article